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Podcast promotion increases visibility by leveraging social media, influencer partnerships, and strategic ad placements. It helps grow your audience, boost engagement, and drive more listens.

• Freizeit Media Presents BTB (Beyond the Boundaries), creating a platform for businesses to share highly impactful advertisements on the free version of the application.
• Podcast (episode) sponsorships are the simplest and most effective way for advertisers to promote their goods or services over one or more podcast episodes.

• Advertisements can be audio clips or pictures shown on the application.
• This is a very effective means of communication as most users are compelled to listen to or view the complete audio and video clips on Fz Films app, Spotify, JioSaavn, etc.
• The short-term goal is to expand the product to India and globally.
• The target market for BTB includes active listeners, both Indian and international, providing an easy way to discover new ideas.
• The primary target consumers are the youth and the young working population, expected to constitute the majority of the sales in India as well.